‘Our dignity has been lifted by passing this fund’: New York hunger strikers break fast after win

While the fight was about relief, Ramirez told amNY the fight went beyond that: “It is more than $2.1 billion dollars. It is actually a recognition of undocumented workers,” she said in the report. “This is the future. This is the future that we’re leaving behind for our kids, and a reminder for those who doubted us.…

Key provisions of Democrats’ voting rights bill garner strong majority support with room to grow

The one exception to public embrace for many of Democrats’ voting reforms was strong support for laws requiring voters to show photo IDs, which Democrats hope to ease, not tighten. Some 72% of respondents supported photo ID laws, including 91% of Republicans and 56% of Democrats in favor. Just 14% opposed such a provision. The Democratic bill currently…

Biden seeks to start undoing generations of inequity in infrastructure investment

Campaign Action Biden’s plan would quadruple federal support for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) to boost minority-owned manufacturing and small and medium-sized businesses. It carves out 40% of the funds for climate investments for underserved communities. It also invests in the Black, brown, and AAPI workers—predominantly women—who do some of the most essential and thankless…